Friday, January 20, 2023

Kitchener Growth Management Strategy 2022 Annual Monitoring Report

 Kitchener's Annual Growth Management Monitoring Report concludes that

  1. The City continues to have the potential to accommodate its current allocated population and employment growth within its urban area;
  2. Kitchener continues to exceed its minimum annual intensification target;
  3. Kitchener has surpassed the provincially-mandated minimum density target for the Urban Growth Centre (UGC) and continues to be well on its way to achieving the Official Plan target by 2031; and
  4. Building permits issued for new residential units within the Designated Greenfield Area continue to provide a varied and balanced supply of dwelling types.


While the Report addresses population and the Bill 23 growth targets address housing units, the Report demonstrates Kitchener’s Zoning Bylaw 2019-051 provides for sufficient capacity to accommodate the population associated with Bill 23’s target of 35,000 new units by 2031. 


It is thus heartening to know that our current Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw meets the housing needs of our anticipated population a) by 2051 under the Municipal Comprehensive Review and b) by 2031 under the Bill 23 targets without further amendments.

To read the entire Report (200pp) click here.

Thanks to Hal Jaeger for bringing this report to our attention.

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