Saturday, January 21, 2023

455-509 Mill Street Development Neighbourhood Information Meeting


The City of Kitchener has received applications for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands located at 455-509 Mill Street to allow for a mixed use development with 5 towers ranging in heights from 15 to 44 storeys. A total Floor Space Ratio of 8.0 is proposed. The development will consist of approximately 1500 residential units and approximately 2000 square metres of commercial floor area.

This meeting is your opportunity to:

  • Learn more about the proposed application and how the process works
  • Let City staff know your thoughts on the proposal
  • Ask questions of City staff and the applicant

For more information, please visit  

To connect to the virtual meeting, go to and enter meeting ID# 838 5737 8698.  To participate by telephone, please dial 1.647.558.0588 and enter meeting ID# 838 5737 8698 when prompted.

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