Sunday, December 17, 2023

Building Up has Negative Consequences

Efforts to reduce carbon in Canadian cities is required for reduction in greenhouse gasses (GHGs). The rush to build in Ontario and provide housing should also be done with GHG reduction as a central part of the strategy.   

Commercial and residential buildings are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions across Canada. Building taller to accommodate the need for housing has significant environmental costs. See The Hidden Carbon Footprint of Highrises.

For example, in Calgary, buildings account for about two-thirds of total (GHG) emissions. The best opportunity to do so is in retrofitting existing buildings, and developing new buildings to net-zero standards. 

“We have heard from industry leaders the need to build better for commercial and environmental reasons, and to prepare for the adoption of higher tiers of building code in Alberta,” said Andrea Linsky, director, Emissions-Neutral Buildings, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation.

For more on this story, click here.

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